A Stylist’s Budget-Conscious Cosmetic Kitchen Upgrade
Brittany Alberts’s lament is a familiar one: “If budget hadn’t been a consideration, we would have loved to expand the footprint of our kitchen. And we would have loved to put in new cabinets and appliances. Instead, we had to stick with—and enhance what—was already in place.”
The wrinkle? Brittany is a stylist who works with interior designers and home design brands, so she approached her own home with a ready arsenal of accessories and tricks.
The narrow kitchen in question—an L-shaped galley probably last updated in the 1990s (scroll to the end for a Before shot)—was built as an addition to an 1880 farmhouse in Litchfield County, Connecticut, that Brittany and her husband, Sanders Witkow, a lawyer, bought as a retreat from their base in Brooklyn.
Taking a cosmetic tack made sense: the couple had a whole house to pull together and the existing kitchen, if not exactly to their taste, was in good working order. Come see how an interior stylist makes do—and where she ponies up.
Photography by Kate S. Jordan (@katesjordan), courtesy of Brittany Albert (@britt_albert). See disclaimer at end.