A Stylist’s Budget-Conscious Cosmetic Kitchen Upgrade

Brittany Alberts’s lament is a familiar one: “If budget hadn’t been a consideration, we would have loved to expand the footprint of our kitchen. And we would have loved to put in new cabinets and appliances. Instead, we had to stick with—and enhance what—was already in place.”

The wrinkle? Brittany is a stylist who works with interior designers and home design brands, so she approached her own home with a ready arsenal of accessories and tricks.

The narrow kitchen in question—an L-shaped galley probably last updated in the 1990s (scroll to the end for a Before shot)—was built as an addition to an 1880 farmhouse in Litchfield County, Connecticut, that Brittany and her husband, Sanders Witkow, a lawyer, bought as a retreat from their base in Brooklyn.

Taking a cosmetic tack made sense: the couple had a whole house to pull together and the existing kitchen, if not exactly to their taste, was in good working order. Come see how an interior stylist makes do—and where she ponies up.

Photography by Kate S. Jordan (@katesjordan), courtesy of Brittany Albert (@britt_albert). See disclaimer at end.

the kitchen is situated just off the living room, which has its original hearth 9
Above: The kitchen is situated just off the living room, which has its original hearth and
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7 Elements of Minimalist Home Decor

A minimalist house is not only seen from the size and design. More than that, there are a number of minimalist home decor elements that must be present as the most important part. Minimalist style houses are now increasingly favored by many people, especially the millennial generation. One of the reasons is because the minimalist concept house has a fresher design and is close to the preferences of the current generation. Decorating a minimalist home is now even easier because the items and decorations are readily available everywhere.

If you want to decorate a minimalist home, make sure to present the main and important elements first. Here are some elements of minimalist home decor that must be in your home.

Neutral and Bright Colors

The first minimalist home decor element that must exist is the use of neutral and bright colors. Some of the color choices commonly used in minimalist homes are white, gray, pastel, and monochrome. These colors are not only applied to the walls of the house, but also to the floor, ceiling, to furniture.

Plain Walls Without Motif

An Interior Design lecturer at the National Institute of Technology, plain walls without motifs or ornaments are one of … Read More

Avoid 7 Mistakes in Home Decorating

The purpose of decorating a house is to enhance the appearance. However, mistakes in decorating can cause your home to look cluttered. Therefore, it is important to know the right way to decorate so that your home looks more beautiful. Here are some home decorating mistakes and how to fix them:

Choosing the Wrong Wall Paint Color

Interested in painting the walls a dark color, but worried that the room will be gloomy. The key to this is to make sure the lighting is good. If the lighting is lacking, you can use spotlights or down lights. Most importantly, don’t let your ceilings look gloomy either.

Pay attention to choosing simple furniture and clearing out unnecessary items so the room doesn’t seem cramped. Use natural materials such as wood to add a natural impression. You can also add decorations such as greenery to make the room look fresh.

Open Shelf
Placing every ornament you have on open shelves is often confusing. If you don’t focus, then the shelf decoration will look messy. The first step, you have to focus on arranging these objects. For example, the top shelf is for trophies or certificates only.

You can also separate your collection … Read More