Tips for Decorating Kids Room
Designing a child’s room is certainly full of various considerations. Children are not allowed to sleep alone from the start, but by having their own room, children will be brave from a young age. This of course must be done early so that they get used to sleeping in their room.
To make children comfortable sleeping in their rooms, of course, parents must pay attention to several things. Decorating and arranging creative and comfortable rooms for children will make children more independent and also more creative. They can linger to spend time playing, studying, and sleeping in their own room. Here are tips for designing rooms for children.
In-Room Lighting
Children will certainly spend a lot of their activities in the room. As a place that is comfortable for children, of course, parents must pay attention to the health of their children’s eyes and also the comfort of their children. Natural light from windows or artificial light from lamps should be adequate both in the morning and at night. Poor lighting not only makes children’s eye health worse but also gives the impression of a scary space so that children are afraid to be in their room.
Children’s Furniture
The age of a child who has a separate bedroom, of course, starts from the age of toddlers or elementary school children. At that time, of course, a child will be very active in activities. Whether it’s playing quietly to running around the room, the children will also do it. Because of this, choosing furniture that is suitable and friendly for children is a priority for parents. By choosing furniture that is not sharp or not easily broken will avoid unwanted events. In addition to the material of the furniture, the height and size of the furniture will also be considered so as not to endanger the children later.
Room Layout and Furniture Layout
In addition to choosing furniture, laying furniture and designing the layout of a child’s room is also important. Place important and important furniture or equipment in an easily accessible area in the room. While items that are not used too much can be used in a separate place or not arranged in the children’s room. This is done so that the furniture does not limit the child’s movement space, so that children can be more expressive in their own room. As for placing a study table near the window so that the lighting while studying can be met.
Add Item Storage Area
At the age of children, toys will be one of the things that are popular. Training children to be responsible with their belongings can also be applied by designing rooms that are suitable for children’s activities. If your child has lots of toys and things to play with, putting storage in the room will be very useful for them. Teach children to put their toys back in the storage area. Of course they will also easily take the toys back where they are available. This way the room will be neater and the items are not scattered and it is safe for children to walk in their own room.
Color Selection
The choice of color in the room will certainly be important. The atmosphere of the room will be formed depending on the color chosen. The choice of bold colors such as green, orange, yellow will certainly look more fresh and also fun. But the selection of neutral colors is no less interesting. Like white, children will feel a large space with white walls. It also gives a modern impression to the children’s room. Adjust the color of the space with the furniture to be filled.
Set a Custom Theme or Nothing
Adjust the design concept of a child’s room with a particular theme or their personality. This of course will be the concept of the room until he grows up. If there are things that he enjoys or activities that he likes, such as playing soccer, then the room can be decorated with a ball theme, from the walls, carpets to the furniture. However, if you don’t see a particular hobby, you as a parent can design a room with a simple design but easy to mix and match. With a simple design you can change the atmosphere of the room, redecorate without having to disassemble or change too much in the room.
Those are some tips in designing a child’s room. Of course, children must develop their potential from an early age. Designing a child’s room and developing creativity and talent will be very good for children’s growth and development.